MHL 2018©Anne-Laure Lechat_22
The foundation of the Musée Historique Lausanne (MHL) can be traced back to destruction! The destruction of the Porte Saint-Maire in January 1890, the planned but fortunately prevented destruction of the Tour de l’Ale and the Saint-François church a few years later. The major construction sites of the time took little account of the city’s rich heritage, which a number of Lausanne residents, who came together in 1902 under the banner of the Association du Vieux-Lausanne, set themselves the task of preserving with the support of the city council. This gave rise to the first collection, which was set up in the heart of the city in 1918: The museum, which was inaugurated in the Old Bishop’s building, was primarily intended to be a conservatory for everything that bears witness to the city’s history.
Now 100 years old, the MHL has expanded its scope far beyond the role of guardian of our cultural heritage. At a time when metamorphoses are taking place that are at least as great as those of the 19th century, and when fascinatingly complex urban challenges have to be overcome, this city museum questions the present as well as the past, builds bridges between disciplines – art, history, economics, architecture, politics – offers space for exchange and encounters, and finally opens up more and more to those who keep the city alive and write its history every day. Without ceasing to showcase its valuable collections, which bear witness to a captivating past and an exciting present.
To coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Year of Historic Monuments, a national exhibition on coercive measures in legal aid, organized by the Federal Office of Justice, is being planned and will be on display at the MHL from autumn 2025. A local component will also be developed and presented in this context.